How to grow Asiatic lily from bulbs
Asiatic lilies are beautiful, easy-to-care-for flowers that provide instant color for a garden. Asiatic lilies are bulbs that bloom in the spring and come back year after year if they are cared for and will produce more and more blooms each year. Petunia falcon can be a good companion
Number of Bulbs | 5 Bulbs |
Sowing month | Oct to Jan |
Sowing tmperature | Below 30C day time |
Blooming month | Feb to April |
Sun | Full Sun |
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Selecting and Planting Bulbs
Begin by selecting fresh, newly bought bulbs from a garden center or nursery. Select firm, heavy bulbs with no mold or soft spots. Plant them in early spring or fall for optimal success.
Asiatic lily bulbs Second, choose a location for drainage and full sun. Plant holes 6 inches deep and position the bulb in them with the pointed end facing upwards. Plant several bulbs spaced at least 8 inches apart to allow space for growth. Lastly, water the bulbs heavily and fill them with soil.
Care for Asiatic Lilies
Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged after planting. Water them frequently, especially in summer. Mulch over them to suppress weeds and retain moisture.
Provide support to the taller varieties as they form shoots to prevent them from bowing down. Feed the lilies with a balanced fertilizer in an equal proportion at the beginning of spring and after flowering. This will promote the health and vigor of them.
Asiatic lily bulbs Blooming and Care
Asiatic lilies Bloom within 75 days of Sowing red, orange, yellow, pink, and white. lilies do not have fragrance, a change from the typical lily, so are a great choice for perfume sensitives.
Encourage more blooms by trimming used flowers close to the wilted bloom. Stems and leaves never get taken out until fall when the leaves are yellow. Leaves feed the bulb to bloom another season.
Asiatic Lily Bulbs Storing and Protecting Bulbs
Mulch bulbs in late fall when the weather is harsh to protect them from extreme temperatures. Plant the bulbs in very poor winters and let them dry out and harden until spring.
Aphids and beetles will infest them. Inspect the leaves regularly and hand pick the insects or spray soap bug spray. Deer and rabbits will feed on flowers, so plant them in a fenced yard.
Asiatic lily bulbs Enjoying Your Lilies
If you care for them, Asiatic lilies will seed and flower, and your garden will be lovely. Bring some of the flowers inside, but not too many so that you are stealing the plant’s blooms next year. Then you’ll have these gorgeous flowers year after year.
Plant today, and your garden will be lovely with Asiatic lilies in no time!
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