Tulip Orange Juice Description
Tulip Orange JuiceThe original species have a limited colour range of mostly reds and yellows and tend to have smaller flowers than modern cultivars and hybrids, which can flower in strong bright colours and pastel shades. Their colours can provide you with a wide palette of colours to paint your garden with.
Tulip Orange Juice The tulip is a perennial, bulbous plant with showy flowers in the genus Tulipa, of which around 75 wild species are currently accepted and which belongs to the family Liliaceae.
Depending on the species, tulip plants can be between 4 inches (10 cm) and 28 inches (71 cm) high. The large flowers of tulips usually bloom on scapes with leaves in a rosette at ground level and a single flowering stalk arising from amongst the leaves. Tulip stems have few leaves. Larger species tend to have multiple leaves.
Common name | Flower colours | Bloom time | Height | Difficulty |
Spring | 6 inches to 2 feet | Easy to grow |
Planting and care
Plant tulip bulbs in fall, six to eight weeks before a hard frost is expected and when soils are below 60 degrees F. This is usually during September and October in the north, and October and November in the south. Prepare the garden bed by using a garden fork or tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of 12 to 15 inches, then mix in a 2- to 4-inch layer of compost.
- Dry in summer, and report annually.
- Can try Tulip Big Love also
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