Spider lily bulbs
Spider lily bulbs is a very attractive plant even when it is not in bloom. Creamy white and green variegated foliage is adorned with white spider-like flowers mid-summer. This variety of Hymenocallis will tolerate more shade than other varieties. The bulbs will winter over in the pond as long as they are below the freeze line.
Elegant, pristine white flowers make Spider Lily plant a joy to grow indoors. This not-well-known member of the Amaryllis family has long, slender segments that radiate from a round center, giving the whole bloom a spider-like look.
The flowers are delightfully fragrant, with up to 8 flowers blooming on each flower stalk at a time.
These types of lilies are sometimes called Beach Spider Lily. Native
s to the tropics and subtropics, they like sun, surf and sand.
- Irrigate spider lilies when they are in active growth. Water generously throughout the growing season, keeping the soil evenly moist. You can cut back on watering in the winter, watering just enough to prevent the soil from drying out.
- Spider lilies do require sufficient sunlight. Six or more hours of direct or indirect sun per day is recommended to encourage flower production.
- If you’d like to apply fertilizer, do so for blooming plants in the spring and at planting time. Spider lilies don’t need a lot of food.
- If you live in a colder climate, protect your bulbs with a deep, dry layer of mulch over winter. You could also carefully dig up the bulbs, leaving soil around the roots, and put them in a well-ventilated, shady place when the first frost of the season hits.
- Maintain relative humidity around 40 to 50 percent. Spider lilies love heat and humidity.
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