Petunia Easy Wave Red
Petunia Easy Wave Red Bold and creative!
You’ll always stand out in the petunia market with Easy Wave. Bring in a wide array of decorator colours. Put their versatility to work – they’re perfect for solo and mixed planters and baskets, gardens and landscapes. Best of all, these all-season salesmakers deliver customer-pleasing performance.
Plug crop time:Â 4 to 6 weeks
Transplant to finish:Â Spring 6 to 7 weeks, Summer 4 to 5 weeks
- Versatile Easy Wave offers simplified production, maximized plug yields and the ability to meet every ship date for every colour. It lets you grow specialty mixes, too!
- More mounded with more controlled spread than Wave® varieties.
- Recommended in Wave branded packaging: premium 306 packs with handle, 4 to 6-in./10 to 15-cm pots and hanging baskets.
Wake up early-season sales!
It’s Early, it’s Efficient, it’s the Evolution of Easy Wave®…it’s E3!
At 10 hours daylength, E3 Easy Wave will be ready at retail to kick off petunia sales even earlier! With a manageable, uniform plant structure and vigour, this new series offers simple production to save on labour costs. The plants can be grown at lower PGR rates than Easy Wave®, so we say it’s ‘Extra Easy’ Wave! The plants stay full and lush longer at retail for increased sell-through and the eye-catching appeal consumers expect from the Wave® program.
Plug crop time:Â 4 to 6 weeks
Transplant to finish:Â Spring 6 to 7 weeks, Summer 4 to 5 weeks
- This Wave brand series is now available to fulfill sales earlier in the season.
- Flowers at or under 10 hours daylength.
- E3 Easy Wave offers simplified production, as it can be successfully grown at lower PGR rates than Easy Wave (except Blue).
- All E3 Easy Wave varieties have a similar, uniform plant structure and vigour, which means simplified plant management.
- Plant holding capabilities across the series mean better quality over a longer time period for an extended sales window.
- E3 Easy Wave fulfills the Wave brand promise of easy spreading colour with superior performance: a manageable spreading habit, long bloom time and sheer colour value!
- Mounding, spreading habit offers a three-dimensional landscape effect, creating impressive baskets and planters.
- Recommended in Wave branded packaging: premium 306 packs with handle, 4 to 6-in./10 to 15-cm pots and hanging baskets.
Requires 10 hours daylength. Most vigorous of the series, so it is recommended to be grown at the Easy Wave PGR rates. Cold durable.
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