Lettuce Romaine is super easy to grow from seed, which is great for those of us who love our spring mix because lettuce plants don’t transplant very well. If you see cute little lettuce plant babies for sale at the store, avoid the temptation to buy them. Get yourself a little package of lettuce seeds instead, for the same price as one lettuce starter plant. You’ll be able to grow way more plants (and healthier plants, at that) from seed in no time at all.
Planting lettuce seeds involves little more than spacing the seeds out and then stepping back to watch them grow.
Number of Seeds | 40-50 seeds |
Sowing month | Feb to Oct |
Blooming Month | April To Dec |
Temperature | Above 30C |
Sun | Full sun except may june |
Lettuce Romaine The Best Time to Grow Lettuce from Seed
Lettuce Romaine before but didn’t have a whole lot of success? It might have been an issue of temperature. Lettuce plants like cool weather. Their ideal temps are between 55°F and 75°F.
Lettuce Romaine If you plant lettuce when it’s too cold outside, your seeds will likely take longer to sprout and grow. But if you plant lettuce when it’s too warm outside, your seeds may still sprout, but you’re not likely to enjoy the plants for very long. They’ll feel stressed by the warm temps and do something called bolting, or focusing on seed production.
Lettuce Romaine For most of us, lettuce grows best during spring and fall. You can begin sowing lettuce seeds a little before your last frost of the spring, basically as soon as the soil is workable, and continue sowing until the temps grow too warm. In the fall, you can start anew a couple weeks before your first frost date. I used to plant lettuce in September when I lived in Chicago. I covered them with frost cloth in October and November and enjoyed a lot of production.
Those of you who live in a warmer climate, like my friends in Houston, would actually do best growing lettuce throughout your winter months.
Lettuce Romaine Before you sow lettuce seeds, check your average high temperatures for the next couple of months. You need at least 45 days of nice, cool temps (below 75°F) ahead to grow lettuce.
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