Adenium Socotranum: Socotra Desert Rose
Adenium socotranum is a beautiful and unusual plant that occurs only on Socotra, an extremely isolated island off the coast of Yemen. All desert roses are in the genus Adenium, but Adenium socotranum is the biggest and most enticing of them.
Seeds are tested with us we have tested 2 seeds, and we got 100% germination find the attached pic in the image section.
Number of Seeds | 3 Seeds |
Sowing month | Feb to Oct |
Blooming Month | April To Dec |
Temperature | Above 30C |
Sun | Full sun except may june |

It possesses a watery trunk to store flesh. Its trunk can be 10 feet (3 meters) tall and some feet wide. It possesses pale, smooth bark at times that is pale pink or gray in color. It spreads out at the top to form an umbrella-like structure. During dry weather seasons, the plant will drop leaves so that it will not lose water.
Adenium socotranum is prominent when flowering, with the flowers produced by the plant having outstanding pink color. The flowers are great, tubular-shaped, and reddish or deep pink-colored at the flower’s center. The prominent flowers are easily viewed above the short trunk, and the plant is therefore extremely conspicuous within the rocky desert ecosystem. Beginners can try arabicum mix seeds
Adenium Socotranum Habitat and Adaptations
Adenium socotranum naturally grows in Socotra, a peculiar plant island with a very hostile climate. The island is dry and hot with almost no rainfall. The plant has, however, been perfectly grow against this.
Its water-storing trunk is extremely thick and allows it to survive without water for an extremely long time. Its roots are extremely deep, and hence it can draw water from rocky soil. In the rainy season, it draws water extremely quickly and grows new leaves and flowers.
Adenium Socotranum Growth and Care
Adenium socotranum grows slowly whereas it grows naturally because the conditions are unfavorable. Others attempt to grow it in a pot or the garden. It requires a lot of sunlight, dry soil, and lots of taking it easy with the water. Excessive watering will make it rot in the roots and, therefore, kill it.
As with all other succulents, Adenium socotranum also prefers warm temperatures. It dies or does not grow at very cold temperatures. It is cultivated in pots by people living in temperate regions and moves the plant inside during winter.
Adenium Socotranum Conservation
Since it can only be found growing on Socotra, socotranum is a threatened species. Global warming, humans, and habitat loss pose the danger of extinction to the species. It is crucial to conserve the unique Socotra environment in order to preserve the species.
Adenium socotranum is a wonderful and hardy plant. With its robust trunk, exquisite flowers, and capacity to live through harsh weather, it is a wonder of nature. Rare as it is, it continues to be a product of the beauty and ruggedness of desert blooms.
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