Petchoa Caliburst Yellow, a hybrid of Petunia and Calibrachoa, from seed can be a rewarding process. Petchoa combines the best qualities of both parent plants, offering vibrant colors and vigorous growth. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you grow Petchoa from seeds:
Meet Caliburst Yellow, the first seed-grown Petchoa, a new hybrid between two closely-related flowers: petunias and calibrichoas. Caliburst Yellow petchoas will brighten your days from spring through fall with petunia-sized 3 in. ruffled flowers in a strong, clear yellow that is brighter than any yellow petunia.
Mounded, spreading plants are resistant to rain, heat and cold, and grow 6 to 10 in. tall and 20 to 28 in. wide. Caliburst Yellow flowers are self-cleaning, so no deadheading is needed for a continuous riot of flowers that begin blooming in about 3 months from seed and keep going well into fall. Plants are tender perennials, winter hardy to zone 9, and can be grown as annuals anywhere.
Caliburst Yellow petchoa won the 2023 Greenhouse Growers Magazine’s Medal of Excellence Industry’s Choice Award. Grow petchoas in hanging baskets, spilling over the edges of mixed containers, or as carpets of color in the front of garden beds. Petchoa is pronounced pet-ko-ah.
Plant Petchoa Seeds: Sow petchoa seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil but do not cover. Light may aid in germination. Kept at 68-77°F., seeds germinate in 7-14 days. Transplant petchoa seedlings into the garden 10-15 in. apart, or plant 3 seedlings per 10-14 in. pot.
Grow Petchoa: Full sun or light shade in hottest climates. If grown in too much shade, Petchoa plants will produce fewer flowers and will have a less compact form. Petchoas are deer resistant.
Cultivation Advice – Petchoa – Caliburst Yellow
- Sow the seeds on the surface of moist compost and leave the seeds uncovered.
- Place in a heated propagator at a constant temperature of 21-25c.
- Make sure the propagator is placed somewhere bright as light aids germination.
- The seeds will germinate in 8-12 days.
- Once the seedlings are around 5cm, transplant into individual pots.
- Pinch out the seedlings when they have 3 sets of true leaves.
- Gradually acclimatise the plants to cooler conditions.
- Plant out once the risk of frost has passed.
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