Common Name: Sunflower
Hardiness Zones: 2 to 11
Bloom Time: Most sunflower varieties bloom for several weeks in midsummer.
Number of Seeds | 15-20 Seeds |
Sowing month | Feb to Oct |
Blooming Month | April To Dec |
Temperature | Above 30C |
Sun | Full sun except may june |
Sunflower Music Box Planting Sunflowers
- Sunflower Music Box are sun worshipers that grow best in spots that get six to eight hours of direct sun per day.
- They have long tap roots that need to go several feet into the ground, so sunflower plants prefer loose, well-drained, somewhat alkaline soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5.
- Sunflowers are heavy feeders, so they’ll be healthiest and generate the most blooms in nutrient-rich soil that has had compost or other organic matter mixed into it.
- Growing sunflowers in pots is possible if you choose a smaller variety, like “Short Stuff” or “Teddy Bear.” Be sure the pot is deep enough to accommodate their tap root.
Sunflower Music Box Repeat Flowering Sunflower Seeds
These are what we these are like a repeat flower. So they’ll have a large flower at the top and then they’ll get shoots off the side and they’ll have extra flowers. So they’ll flower quite a way through the summer, which is quite nice. That’s why I’m getting them in early. So I can get them out and May, early June, depending on the weather. And then they’ll be off and away and you just need to make sure you support them.
Sunflower Music Box Problems to Avoid When Planting Sunflower Seeds
The other thing to do with sunflowers as well is not to let them get too leggy because once they get leggy they tend to either want to fall over or, or break the stem and the stem can split as well if you don’t keep the water consistent. That’s, that’s why the stem sometimes split and that can weaken the plant. So consistent watering, they do like a decent amount of water and they are quite a greedy plant because they obviously get quite big. Yeah. So again, just two seeds in each pot, just put them an inch apart, half an inch deep on the side if they’ll go on the side. Are these all the same sort of size? Quite often the bigger the sunflower, the bigger the seed is. So the ones that we grew last year, the hopi black dye ones, the seed was sort of twice the size of this because that grew to, I think we grew over , feet tall yeah. And again we had just grown it in it, we had grown it in a container. We had to stake it quite heftily, tie it to the shed because it was a bit breezy last year, but it survived. It grew to foot tall.
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